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Langs de Italiaanse kusten, van Alassio tot Santa Maria di Leuca, een overzicht

(havens en navigatie)

Le long des côtes italiennes, d' Alassio à Santa Maria di Leuca, un aperçu

(ports et navigation)

Along the Italian coasts, from Alassio to Santa Maria di Leuca, an overview

(harbours and navigation)



24.04.08 - COSTIERA LIGURE: Alassio (Marina di Alassio) 24.04, Varazze (Marina di Varazze) 25.04, Rapallo (Porto Carlo Riva) 26.04, Le Cinque Terre & Portovenere (anchorage) 02.05, Rada di La Spezia (Marina del Fezzano) 03.05

07.05.08 - COSTIERA TOSCANA: Bocca d'Arno (Marinanova) 07.05, Cecina (Cecina Mare) 09.05

10.05.08 - ISOLE TOSCANE: Isola d'Elba (Porto Azzuro, Marina) 10.05, Isola del Giglio (Porto-Marina) 22.05

23.05.08 - COSTIERA TOSCANA: Porto Ercole (Marina di Cala Galera) 23.05

01.06.08 - COSTIERA LAZIANA: Riva di Traiano (Marina di Riva di Traiano) 01.06, Roma-Ostia (Porto turistico di Roma) 03.06.

MENTON (F) -> ROMA (I): 339 NM - 42 days  

19.06.08 - COSTIERA LAZIANA: Nettuno (Porto di Nettuno) 19.06, Gaeta (Base Nautico Flavio Gioia) 20.06

22.06.08 - ISOLE FLEGREE & GOLFO DI NAPOLI: Ischia (Anchorage, Castello d'Ischia, S-side) 22.06.08

23.06.08 - COSTIERA AMALFITANA: Amalfi (porto) 23.06.08

24.06.08 - COSTIERA CAMPANIANA: Agropoli (porto, f.q.) 24.06, Camerota (Marina de Il Leone di Caprera) 25.06.08,

26.06.08 - COSTIERA CALABRESE: Cetraro (porto, f.q.) 26.06, Tropea (Porto di Tropea) 27.06, Reggio di Calabria (porto) 02.07

03.07.08 - SICILIA: Riposto (Porto dell'Etna) 03.07

07.07.08 - COSTIERA CALABRESE: Rocella Ionica (porto, f.q.) 07.07, Le Castella (porto-marina) 08.07, Ciro Marina (anch. port) 11.07

12.07.08 - PUGLIA: Santa Maria di Leuca (porto) 12.07.08

ROMA (I) (13 days)  -> SANTA MARIA DI LEUCA (I):  541NM - 24 days
ITALY: 880 NM - 79 days

Onze havens en ankerplaatsen / Nos ports et mouillages / Our harbours and achorages.

en français in English in English

zie ook onze LINKS (havens, tourisme ...) / voir assi nos liens "LINKS" (ports, tourisme...) / see also our LINKS (harbours, tourism ...)

AFKORTINGEN/ ABREVIATIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS - A: ankerplaats/ mouillage/ ankering - M: mooringboeien/ bouées mouillage/ mooringbuoys- P: pleziehaven/port plaisance/harbour - K: verharde wal of kade, met bolders of ringen/quai/quay - S: steiger/ponton/pontoon - C: catway/finger - H: havenmeester, maître du port, harbourmaster - B: betalend (havenmeester, of de verantwoordelijke komt 's avonds langs) / payant (maître du port, ou responsable passant le soir /fees (harbourmaster, or reponsable passing in the evening) - D: douche/shower - WC: toilet(te) - E: electriciteit,électricité, electricity - W: water (WND: niet drinkbaar/non potable/non-drinking) - G: diesel ter plekke/gas-oil sur place/diesel on site - GD: diesel dorp/gas-oil village/diesel village of/ou/or GT nabijheid tankstation/station service à proximité/ service station in the vicinity; GAS: gas, gaz, gas; CH: shipchand. W: werf, chantier, shipyard; YC: jachtclub, yachtingclub; R: restaurant(s;) Sm : supermarkt (of/ou/ou superette) - I: inkopen / détaillants / shopping - noodzakelijk: allerlei soorten electrische aansluitingen en dito wateraansluitingen/koppelstukken (soms grote lengten nodig W: 2X25m; E: 80m) / indispensable: jeu de différents raccords électriques, idem pour raccords eau (parfois longueurs importantes W: min.2X25m E:80m) / essential:different kinds of electrical and water connections , big lengths: W min.2X25M E:80m! USEFUL: ADATTORE Spina 16A, presea 10-16A per spine standard italiano 10A e standard tedesco (german) 16A conterra laterale 2P+T 250V / N - E pendille = laid mooring ( zie / see 5. and Fotoalbum )

* N wij betaalden voor onze 8,50 m x 2,50 m boot : ...... per dag,mog. week/ maandkorting, 40/50 % grote verschillen HS 1/6-30/9 of 31/ 8 en /LS na; F nous avons payé pour notre bateau 8,50 m x 2,50 m ..... par jour,/ poss.réduc. sem./mois , /40/50 % diff. HS 1/6-30/9 ou 31/8 et BS/ E we paid for our boat 8,50 m x 2,50 m ..... day,/ poss.reduc. week/month , /40/50 % diff. HS 1/6-30/9 or 31/8 and LS - ** N douches en toiletten relatief beperkt i.v.t. aantal boten / F ** douches et toilettes assez limitées p.r. nombre de bateaux / E: ** showers and toilets limited t. number boats

INTERNET: on your own laptop config. Outlook Express for out-going email: change your SMTP-server: out.virgilio.it (or another Italian) ask at the internetpoint; see also further-on sub (10.)

PHONE: we buy a Italian prepaid Vodaphone SIM-card for one of our mobiles


Marina di Alassio: www.marinadialassio.net, VHF 9, very good shelter, alg. beoord.: goed / appr.gén.: bien / overal feeling: good , P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E / W/ G&GT/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R/ Sm (town)/ I (town) /, pontons met pendille, pontons & pendilles, pontoons with laid moorings, WC (0,50 euro) & D (0,50 euro) / * 13 euro E/W (24.04.08) (no reserv.taken!); restaurant & discotheque in the harbour!

Marina di Varazze: www.marinadivarazze.it, VHF 9, very good shelter, alg. beoord.: goed maar duur / appr.gén.: bien mais cher / overal feeling: good but expensif, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G&GT/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R/ Sm / I (town) WC ( sleutel/ clef / key) & douche gratis /douche gratuite / showers free, pontons met pendille, pontons & pendilles, pontoons with laid moorings,shipchand, * 42 euro E/W (25.04.08, up to 10m); supermarked near the harbour; Wi-fi no more avaible (new system?)! Internet points (?!) in town, wkdays! (info Marina Office)

Rapallo - Porto Carlo Riva: www.portocarloriva.it, VHF 9, very good shelter, alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G&GT/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R/ Sm (town 1km) / I (town 1km) **WC & douche gratis / **WC & douche gratuits / ** WC & showers free, pontons met pendille, pontons & pendilles, pontoons with laid moorings, * 25 euro (26.04.08) & *59 euro! from 1/5 (HS -> 30/9); Busses to Santa Margherita Ligure and Portofino near the harbour or at the bus station near the railway station: 0,80 euro (paid on station), 1,5 euro if paid on bus (!!! feriale = werkdagen, jours ouvrables, working days! festive = zon- en feestd., dimanch. et jours fériés, sunday & publ.holyd !!!); Wi-fi & internet points: list at Tourist Office on Lungomare, nby Castello; foreign newspapers in town.

Portovenere anchorage: wij ankerden ten NE van de haven / nous étions au mouillage dans le NE du port / we ankered in de NE of the harbour ( 02.05.08 pos 44°03'400N09°50'550E) alg. beoord.: zr goed en rustig/ appr.gén.: très bien et calme / overal feeling: very good and quiet.

Rada di La Spezia - Marina del Fessano: www.marinadelfezzano.it, VHF 9, good shelter, but restrict. for heavy E, no breakwater(see Rod Heikell), alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ GAS/ SY/ YC/ R/ I (village 200m)**WC & douche gratis / **WC & douche gratuits / ** WC & showers free, pontons met pendille, pontons & pendilles, pontoons with laid moorings, * 40 euro (02.05.08) (HS 1/5 -> 30/9); bus to La Spezia, Portovenere

Bocca d'Arno - Marina di Pisa, Marinanova, Punto Arno: very good shelter in the river, alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, SY/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ YC/ I (village 1,5 km)**WC & douche gratis / **WC & douche gratuits / ** WC & showers free, ponton met pendille, ponton & pendilles, pontoon with laid moorings, appr. 1M up-river, on the right bank, about 100 m behind (...)ARINA I: Marinanova is one of the many little yards: dir. Mauro FAVATI, 050.35588- 050.310037, fax. 050.35737, GSM 329.2451660, marinanova@alice.it, Wi-fi (office); but in our exp. no visit. berths at Lega navale!* 15 euro (07.05.08); bus (50m) to Marina di Pisa & Pisa (20')

Cecina - Cecina mare: www.circolonauticofocececina.it, very good shelter in the harbour in the river (max draft 1,50m, some pl. occ. max. 1-1,5 m), alg. beoord.: goed / appr.gén.: bien / overal feeling: good, P/ S/ H/ B/ D(token)/ WC/ E(token)/ W/ YC/ I (village 2 km) **WC & douches beperkt/ **WC & douches limités / ** WC & showers limited , kade met pendille, quai & pendilles, quay with laid moorings, appr. 0,25M up-river (max draft 1,50m!!), on the left bank * 25 euro (09.05.08) (HS 1/5 -> 30/9)

Salivoli: tel. ormeggiatori 056548091

Elba - Porto Azzurro: very good shelter alg. beoord.: goed / appr.gén.: bien / overal feeling: good, P/ K / S / H/ B/ D & WC (under reconstr. 05.2008) / E/ W/ I (very good - village 50 m!), kade & ponton met pendille, quai & ponton & pendilles, quay & pontoon with laid moorings, appr. 1M in bay, right bank, GSM 24/24H Balfin Marina di Porto Azzurro Capo pontile Giovanni Messina, +39.3394419634, * 35 euro (10.05.08) (MS 1/5 -> 30/9, HS = August: * 50 euro); wash & dryer (50m) 9 euro; gd shopping, Coop-Sm; bus (100m) to Portoferraio (2 euro); Tourist Office: in Portoferraio on harbour 200 m from busstation ; Rent Azzurro +39.056595115/+39.3292762517, Fiat Panda 39-45 (Aug.) euro; internet Wi-fi & lan at Portoferraio Tabaccheria Palombo - 0900-2400H, near the quay, also FAX, Copy, Scan: 1H = 3,50 euro (outlook expr. SMTP: smtp.tiscali.it); Portoferraio: TIM-agency for UMTS Alice-Mibile, Vodaphone agency; foreign newspapers in Porto Azzurro & Portoferraio.

Isola del Giglio - Porto/Marina: good shelter in the harbour, only few berths, beoord.: matig / appr.gén.: moyen / overal feeling: medium, P/ S/ H/ B/ E/ W ("non-potablile")/ WC & douches gepland ?! / WC & douches en projet?! / ** WC & showers planned?!, ponton met pendille, ponton & pendilles, pontoon with laid moorings , in village, gd shopping, foreign newspapers, * 20 euro (22.05.08)

Porto Ercole: i.p.geen passanten, e.p.pas de visiteurs, i.p.no visitors, (evtly, call Porto Ercole G.C.VHF 16, tel. ormeggiatori Barbara 0564830231)

Marina di Cala Galera, - Porto Ercole (0,5M N): www.marinacalagalera.com , call Marina tel. 0564 833010, dir. 0564.837217, adm. 0564.837406, fax. 0564.831186, VHF 9, very good shelter, alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W (p + n-p)/ G/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R/ Sm & I (Porto Ercole town 10' footpath) / I (town 1km) **WC & douche gratis / **WC & douche gratuits / ** WC & showers free, kade & pontons met pendille, quai & pontons & pendilles, quay & pontoons with laid moorings, many shops, boutiques, & parafarmacia and restaurants in the marina, foreign newspapers, BANCOMAT in marina * 21 euro (23.05.08); metalen trap naast werf + -> rechts pad naar Porto Ercole 10', zr gde handelszaken en Coop-Sm, ons lieveligsterras Bar del Porto Miramare, escalier métal. côté chantier + -> droite sentier vers Porto Ercole 10', tr b commerc.et Sm Coop, notre terr. fav. Bar del Porto Miramare, iron stairs near shipyard + -> right footpath to Porto Ercole 10', v.gd shop.& Coop-Sm, our fav.terrace Bar del Porto Miramare; bus (1,1-1,80 euro) Porto Ercole-Orbetello-Santo-Stephano

Porto Turistico di Riva di Traiano - Civitavecchia (2km): www.rivaditraiano.com , call Marina tel. 0766 580 193, VHF 9 (we got no answer), good shelter, alg. beoord.: goed / appr.gén.: bien / overal feeling: good, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R/ Sm & I / I (Civitavecchia 2km) **WC & douche gratis / **WC & douche gratuits / ** WC & showers free, kade & pontons met pendille, quai & pontons & pendilles, quay & pontoons with laid moorings, wash- & dryerm., many shops & boutiques and restaurants in the marina, BANCOMAT, * 30 euro (HS:°01.06.08); ROMA: Civitavecchia-Roma: train (1H) of / ou / or pullman Cotral (bij/près/near marina (2H) fin. sneller, fin. plus rapide, fin. more rapid!haven/port/ tickets : tabacchi , BIRG ticket 9 euro

Porto Turistico di Roma - Ostia: www.portoturisticodiroma.net , call Marina VHF 74, tel. tower 06 561 88277 dir. 06.56188236, uff.utenza 06.56188244, fax.06.561.88243, www.portoturisticodiroma.net, email: direzione.porto@portodiroma.com, good shelter, alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R/ Sm & I WC & douche gratis / WC & douche gratuits / WC & showers free, ponton langszij of pontons met pendille, pontons ou pontons & pendilles, pontoon or pontoons with laid moorings, wash- & dryerm., many shops, boutiques and restaurants in the marina, parafarmacia, foreign newspapers, BANCOMAT & bank office in marina, * 27 euro (HS:°04.06.08); ROMA ( =+- 1H) : go to stoppl -> bus 1: along Lungomare -> 1° square, /15') bus 1 to terminus = station "Lido Centro" (10'); -> metrotrain (/15') -> terminus "Porta San Paolo" (30') = metrostation "Piramide" -> linea B: poss. to " Colosseo", or "Roma Termini"station: poss. metro linea A -> "Ottaviano" (=San Pietro, Vaticano), 1 euro integrated-time-ticket or 4 euro one-day-all-train/busses.

Porto di Anzio: only 4 visitors berths VHF 11, 16; good anchorage NE N-breakwater. No ext. works started (19.06.08)

Porto di Nettuno: www.marinadinettuno.it , 2008: very important works in progress for harbour development (20.06.08) end of works planned December 2008!(?); so it's very difficult to find a berth; the harbour staff is mostly only Italian speaking, so they will sent you away (what mostly happens) or will not answer on VHF; there are agencies who can help you, call Sailing Yachts 06.9805372 (English speaking), or try on VHF 9 (in Italian if poss, so we did); alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ K-S-C/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R/ WC & douche gratis / WC & douche gratuits / WC & showers free, catways of pontons met pendille, catways ou pontons & pendilles, fingers or pontoons with laid moorings, many shops, boutiques and restaurants in the marina, * 30 euro (19.06.08, ag. Sailing Yachts); de haven ligt aan de promenade van het mooie Nettuno/ le port est situe en contre-bas de la Promende de la charmante ville de Nettuno/ the harbour is situated along the Promenade of the pleasant Nettuno town - 2010: the harbour works are finished and there should be no problem to find a passage berth now.

Gaeta Base Nautico Flavio Gioia: www.basenautica.com , call Marina VHF 09, tel. 0771 311013/14, good shelter, alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R/ WC & douche gratis / WC & douche gratuits / WC & showers free, pontons met pendille, pontons & pendilles, pontoons with laid moorings, wash- & dryerm., many shops in town , restaurant in the marina, * 41,42 euro (20.06.08);

Isola d'Ischia, anchorage Castello d'Ischia, S-side, nice but a bit rolling, crowded overday in weekend

Amalfi, (porto, Pontile Coppola): www.pontilecoppola.it , call Coppola VHF 14, better resv. tel. 347 3495280 - 368 610306 GSM 339 42244840771, good shelter in settled weather, strong Sly very unconf., alg. beoord.: goed, zr pitt., zr vr. ontv. / appr.gén.: bien, tr. pitt., tr.bon acc., / overal feeling: good, wonderf. place, very gd welc., P// H/ B/ E/ W/ G/ GAS (town)/ W/ R/ pontons met pendille, pontons & pendilles, pontoons with laid moorings, wash- & dryerm (town), shop close, many shops in town nby, restaurant nr the pontoon, * 30 euro (24.06.08) (33 feet: 35 euro)

Agropoli: free quay (max. 3 days) no water no electricity; use of anchor; alg. beoord.: goed. / appr.gén.: bien / overal feeling: good, G/ GAS (town)/ R town nearby/ many shops in town nby, 0,- euro at the free quay! ; otherwise: several clubs & agencies: ex. for a 33 feet: 70,- euro( 24.06.08) at pontoon & laid-mooring W & E, but no showers, no toilets!

Camerota, Marina de il Leone di Caprera: free quay (lim.) or call Marina tel. 0974939813, www.portodicamerota.it , good shelter, alg. beoord.: goed / appr.gén.: bien / overal feeling: good, P/ / H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS/ SCH/ SY R/ E+W 3,-euro WC & douche 1,5 euro / electricité+ eau 3,- euro WC & douche 1,5 euro / E+W 3,-euro WC & showers 1,5 euro, pontons met pendille, pontons & pendilles, pontoons with laid moorings, washm., many shops & restaurants, & gelaterie (!) in town nearby 30,- euro (25.06.08);

Cetraro: "free quay" ( norm. max. 3 days) langsheen de twee betonnen dam-pontons aan SB, le long des deux jetée int. en béton à tribord., alongside the two inner concrete jettys on starboard / W but no E; no D no WC / alg. beoord.: matig. / appr.gén.: moyen / overal feeling: medium /, R: Gabero Rosso, nearb. on the left outside, good but not so cheap / S in town >. 30' walk nby,/ 0,- euro at the free quay! but the restaurant owner will propose his "service"; see otherwise:Guardia Costiera ) / insite poss. berthing at pontoon & laid-mooring W & E, but no showers, no toilets! Works have already started and nly next year Cetraro will be a porto turistico (?!) (26.06.08)

Porto di Tropea: www.portoditropea.it , call Porto VHF O9, tel.0963 61548, good shelter, alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R (one in harbour + little Sm & a very nice restaurant on the beach close nearby & several on the road & town (20') / Sm & I (nearby on the road + deliv. on board & many in town, stairs!) WC & douche gratis, sleutel / WC & douche gratuits, clef / WC & showers free, key, kade or pontons met pendille, quai ou pontons & pendilles, quay or pontoons with laid moorings, wash- & dryerm., banks & bancomat in town, *26,50 euro (27.06.08, ° HS 1/7 to 31/8)

Porto Reggio di Calabria. call Porto VHF O9, tel.096547914, good shelter, alg. beoord.: matig, lawaaierig en onrustig / appr.gén.: moyen bruyant et parf. inconf. / overal feeling: medium noisy and somet. uncomf.; P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS (town)/ SCH (town)/ SY/ R + Sm + I in town (20') / WC (sleutel) & douche gratis / WC (clef) & douche gratuits / WC (key) & showers free kade met pendille, quai & pendilles, quay with laid moorings, banks & bancomat in town, *35 euro (02.07.08), ° HS 1/7 to 31/8); batteries & mecanics Caracciolo, Via Santa Caterina, 16ABC, Reggio, tel.0965.44111, very helpful

Porto dell'Etna, Marina di Riposto (Sicilia): www.portodelletna.com , call Porto VHF 74, tel.+39 095 7795755, very good shelter, alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS/ SCH/ SY/ YC/ R (one in harbour + little Sm & several in town nearby / Sm & I (many in town nearby, some with deliv.on board), WC & douche gratis, magn.sleutel / WC & douche gratuits, clef magn. / WC & showers free, magn.key, kade of pontons met pendille, quai ou pontons & pendilles, quay or pontoons with laid moorings, banks & bancomat in town, *45 euro (° HS 1/7 to 31/8) (03.07.08); poss. Etna & Taormina ( railway 20' + bus)

Rocella Ionica. call Guardia Costiera for Porto VHF 16 switch on 14, very good shelter, alg. beoord.: middelmatig / appr.gén.: moyen / overal feeling: medium, P/ K-S/ Guardia Costiera / W points / R (one in harbour) / Sm & I in town 6km!, kade or pontons met pendille enkele catways, quai ou pontons & pendilles quelques catways , quay or pontoons with laid moorings some catways, gratis, gratuit, berthing free (07.07.08)

Le Castella, Porto-Marina. slechts enkele bez.p./ seulent qlqs places visit./ only few berths, call Lega Navale tel. 0962795528, very good shelter, alg. beoord.: zeer goed / appr.gén.: très bien / overal feeling: very good, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ GT (5 km, so ask harbouroffice for help!) GAS/ SCH/ SY/ several R & Sm & I, WC & douche gratis / WC & douche gratuits / WC & showers free, kade met pendille, quai & pendilles, quay with laid moorings, banks & bancomat in town, *15 euro (° HS 1/7 to 31/8) (08.07.08) very helpful and gd welcome, Le Castella is a nice little tourist. resort

Ciro Marina. weinig of geen bezoekersplaatsen ./ pas ou peu de places visit./ no or only v. lim. visit.berths, call Lega Navale tel. 0962.31766 or 0962.379007, good shelter, alg. beoord.: middelmatig - / appr.gén.: moyen - / overal feeling: medium -, P/ K-S/ poss. to moor alongsite quay (!) or fisherboats (ask it, see also L.N.!), or anchor outside near the entrance, or in the outer-harbour behind the first jetty's-wave-breakers / D & WC (at Lega Navale ?! / W / R & I & Sm in town (11.07.08) the only harbour where we had a bad experience with locals (see logbook)

Santa Maria di Leuca, Porto Turistico: www.portodileuca.it , call. VHF 16/14 or phone 0833.758687, shelter can be very unquiet at visit. pontoon, open to S! better along outer jetty (free but no E) - , alg. beoord.: matig / appr.gén.: moyen / overal feeling: medium, P/ K-S/ H/ B/ D/ WC/ E/ W/ G/ GAS/ SCH / several R & Sm & I, douche penning 1euro / do uche jeton 1 euro / shower coins 1 euro, kade met pendille, quai & pendilles, quay with laid moorings, banks & bancomat in town, *28 euro (° HS 1/7 to 31/8) (12.07.08)


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Updated 10-feb-19
webmaster Q-Webbels

